As the seasons change, often our human resource – energy – changes too. We must look after ourselves, conserve and maintain our energy to work efficiently and make money, being the second necessary resource.

The one thing we can’t change or influence is our third resource – time. Only having 24 hours in a day, they need to be used wisely. At least seven hours for sleeping; a good few hours relaxing, nourishing yourself with food and exercise and spending time with family or friends to achieve a good work/life balance; and the final hours working as efficiently as possible, achieving goals and gaining success.

Yet they are all finite resources. Many of us struggle to find the time to do what’s needed, or even plan and work to a schedule. Energy and motivation can suffer. Here, I share my tried and tested ideas on looking after your resources.

When you are working on your goals, you need to balance your resources. By that, I mean being mindful about your energy levels, the time you have available and the money you may need to help achieve your goals.

That’s particularly true for those long-term goals that need more of your time and energy to come to fruition. So, it’s important to look after yourself. If you try to do too much – burn the candle at both ends – you end up burning yourself out.

Keep in mind that they are all finite resources:

  • Time – plan and prioritise to prevent procrastination and not waste time
  • Energy – ensure you sleep well, rest and look after yourself to maintain your energy levels
  • Money – generate more money by spending time earning more

Many years ago, one of my clients needed help with her time management. I coached her to determine some actions to help with that and then later she would report that she couldn’t implement those actions because … she didn’t have time! Despite knowing what was important, she couldn’t give the project the time it needed. We finally found a way for her to free up that time.

The crucial thing here is to think about what’s important. Find yourself more time to achieve those goals by doing less of the unimportant things, like watching TV or spending too long exercising. All three things – time, money and energy – need to be in balance. Losing sleep over trying to fit more in is counterproductive.

Resources and How to Improve Them


What’s the timeline for your goal? If it’s a short-term project, find some way to reallocate some time. For instance, if you always spend an hour a day reading, reallocate that hour to your goal. Doing this on a short-term basis – just a few days or weeks – will mean you’ll relish the time you get back once the short-term goal is achieved.

For long-term goals, those short-term sacrifices are not sustainable. Instead, make sure you have time allocated on a regular basis, helping it to become a habit, a natural rhythm, all part of your daily or weekly working patterns. For instance, if you need to ramp up your marketing, or you have a large financial project that should positively impact the business in a year or so, then start prioritising your diary.

Colour code your whole week to make sure that you do what’s needed, when. Give a specific colour to your goal and other activities so that you can look ahead and ensure there’s a good balance over time.


As soon as you set a goal, you get excited about achieving it. In that moment, anything is possible. Then reality hits as you put the effort in to achieve it. The initial excitement and energy wanes. Somehow, you need to maintain that excitement or re-energise yourself. It’s both a physical and an emotional thing.

Long-term goals can be particularly hard to keep motivated about. The longer it takes to receive gratification, the more demotivated you may become. That’s when some simple actions need to take place:

  • Allow yourself rewards for achieving certain milestones along the journey to your goal.
  • Think about what’s stopping you from taking action – coaching can help you work out what that reason is.
  • Remind yourself of what boosts your energy and motivation and lifts your spirit – more sleep? A walk in the country? Going dancing? Or even a weekend break. Whatever it takes!
  • Always acknowledge the progress you’ve made at regular intervals, weekly or monthly.


Your goals have a worth, whether they’re business or personal goals. Personal goals tend to be more intangible. Keep in mind that your goals need to be worth more than any initial costs. It’s important to consider the long-term rewards as well as the value of the goal and put them into ROI terms.

For example, a business goal may be the need to invest to get new clients. You then need to earn enough money to make that investment. Try not to solely think about the cost, though; it’s important to look ahead to those long-term rewards.

When discussing goals with my clients, I always ask them if the goal is something they really want to work towards. If the rewards don’t exceed the financial investment, let alone the time and energy involved, then they may not be realistic goals.

How to Cope when Resources Dip

Allow yourself to recognise that your resources have dipped on occasions. Whether time, energy or money, that dip is bound to happen. When it does, consider how to replenish them and if you can do so at the rate at which you’re using them. The important thing is to try and find that balance between how you’re using them and how you’re replenishing them, and not to feel despondent during those dips. It can be helpful to talk to your coach during those times, to gain a fresh perspective or an energy boost.

Budget your Resources

When you’re goal setting and factoring in the time, effort and money that you’ll use, how much do you allocate to coaching?

Budgeting isn’t just about money. Being able to budget your monetary resources is one thing. You also need to allow yourself the time to talk about how much time and energy you’ll need to put into actually achieving those goals. It’s also the need to find that time to talk to someone; have someone to hold you accountable to who’s objective, who’s outside of your business or personal group.

As your coach, I will help provide you with clarity on how things are progressing and hold you accountable along the way. I will also always find a way to work with you within your time, money and energy budgets.

Give me a call on 07766 004964 or email me for a friendly chat about creating successful goals and budgeting your resources – time, energy and money.