
W is for When – What are you Waiting For?

By |2021-06-01T12:08:58+00:00June 1st, 2021|Procrastination|

Do you tend to think, “When I get this, then I’ll do that”? Have you heard yourself saying “When I get around to it…”? Well, I have got “a round tuit” so I no longer have any excuse! By putting things off until certain things are in place, you’re creating a false assumption that something [...]

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P is for Procrastination

By |2019-07-24T12:22:54+00:00June 26th, 2019|Procrastination|

Why is procrastination an issue? Not doing what you should be doing risks you missing out on rewards, promotions, or even your reputation for getting things done. Challenging yourself not to procrastinate requires digging deep for those tools inherently within you, to help you focus and get on with the job. That way, you [...]

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